Friday, May 30, 2014

Do you know what June 4th is?!

If you answered Applesauce Cake Day, Old Maid's Day or Hug Your Cat Day, you are correct! You are probably also an old maid who feeds your cats LOTS of applesauce cake!

But more importantly, it is National Running Day!

From National Running Day's website…

"National Running Day, held annually on the first Wednesday in June, is a day when runners everywhere declare their passion for running.

Since 2009, the country's foremost running organizations have worked together to celebrate our sport with thousands of participants on the first Wednesday of June. We encourage runners to join in by planning a run, spreading the running bug to a friend, signing up for a race, or setting a new goal. "

The Narberth Beer Runner's regularly scheduled first Wednesday run happens to fall on National Running Day, so we'll take part by listing our run as a meet up group through the National Running Day website. National Running Day also encourages runners to raise funds through Charity Miles, so if you are feeling charitable, check out their website as well!

There is no need to sign up for the meet up group, its just another way to get the Beer Runners message out there. Just show up at the train station at 6:30 as usual! We'll be running to the Greek's in downtown Narberth, which loves hosting old maids, cat huggers and applesauce cake lovers!

Check back on Sunday evening for further information about the run!

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